Roast carrot & bean salad with feta

Get all of your 5-a-day with this super healthy salad. Tasty, easy and perfect for lunch leftovers

Roast carrot & bean salad with feta
    • STEP 1

      Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Put the carrots into a large roasting tin, toss with the lemon thyme (if using) and half the oil, then season well. Roast for about 30 mins until golden, turning halfway through cooking.

    • STEP 2

      Meanwhile, cook the green beans in boiling water for 2 mins. Drain, cool under cold running water, then drain again. Mix together the green beans, cannellini or butter beans, remaining oil, onion and feta, then season to taste. Toss with the hot carrots, then tear in the mint just before serving.

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